
A School Girl Again

School has started up once again. I am not in the mood for it.I hate every overwhelming moment of the beginning of the semester. But I am good at replacing my fear with other stuff.  I know this precisely because my mind twists, tangles, and grabs at different professor's words and situates them in my own spanko world. And I then become highly entertained.

For example:

"You will submit each paper by...." says one prof...Submitting? Ooooo...that sounds cool. It's true, turning in papers is kind of like submitting. Submitting to the work. Submitting to the grade they give you. Oooooo.

"You will present on one reading..." says another prof. I like how he said "will" like that. Like we have no other choice. All authoritatively. It takes a certain kind of sternness to talk shy students into getting up in front. And it helps me cope with the idea that I must do so too when I can focus on the sexiness of the words...and not what they actually mean.

"You can't just have the beat in this kind of song; you must have a the lyric..." spouts a prof. And I think, no, it's the other way around. No music without a good beating.

"Your presentation is going to be a fairly intense process, " says another prof. "We're going to need to develop a good trust relationship in order for you to understand how you're doing in the process of creating it." And I think, hmmm....an intense experience involving lots of trust...this is going to be interesting. When do I get to visit your office?

Then the ultimate crowd pleaser: "We won't have quizzes unless you force me to give you them," says a very dommy and beautiful lady professor. "I will beat you with the stick if I have to, but preferably you are going to run after the carrot yourself."
Nothing needs be said about that one.

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