
A "My Magician" Story

My knees made popping noises every few seconds (too much jogging on cement, I guess), but I had to keep pacing. As long as I could walk back and forth in that hotel bathroom, I wasn't scared. He's taking forever on purpose...he's probably watching t.v. or something, smiling to himself at the anxiety he knows he's causing. I bet he can hear me pacing. Fine, I don't need to pace. Fine.
I sat down on the closed toilet seat and became very aware of my attire.A white bra and white thong. I hopped off the seat and took a long look in the mirror. This was a first. The other times I'd been spanked, I'd at least had a shirt on. He said our relationship won't be sexual, I griped. Do I really trust him? But I knew I did,at least, as much as I could.
I worked hard to make my mind a blank as I waited. This bathroom -solitary-confinement was not about to get to me!
I remembered our conversation before I'd locked the bathroom door.
"Are you nervous for this spanking, Bonnie-jo?"
"Not at all."
He smiled indulgently. "Silly girl."
Finally, there was a knock on the door. Then it opened slightly,and a hand reached in and brushed off the lights.
I forced a smile in the dark, laughed, "Did you do that on purpose?"
There was a bit of fumbling, then the light came back on. "That was working too well, " he said ruefully, "I have to see to put this on you." He held a black sleeping mask, and quickly slipped it over my head.

(It is late, and I have homework and I'm too tired to write more...I'll finish the story another day. How evil is that? So sorry.)


  1. I don't think that was particularly evil. Your abrupt halt left ---

  2. I'll finish it soon, just waiting on some inspiration and less homework. May be you should finish your's too? :p

  3. I can't wait to read the rest of it.


  4. Thanks, Hermione! As you can see above, you inspired me, and I finished. I always see you commenting on Erica's blog. Isn't she amazing?
