
Living Together

I have now been living with College Guy in our own little apartment for more than a week. It's been good--stressful and scary, but good. I've always been the type of person that detests change, that balks at it, that tries to circumvent it. So even though I wanted this change, this move to a completely new state and completely new way of living, it still makes my heart thump a bit harder than it is used to.

My parents hate that we're living together. They believe that cohabitation is morally wrong and will only hurt us. It is hard to know that they are afraid for me and wishing I would make other choices.

I knew spanking would not be the same in an apartment complex with thin walls. With the hotel situations we've had in the past, we always knew we could just leave in the morning; whatever our next-door neighbors had heard that night would be a one-night thing. But in a apartment, you have to think a bit more about who is hearing you. The dreaded cane has now become friendlier, for it is quit.  I do like hard spankings, after all, so deprive me enough of those and even the cane begins to look good.

It's an interesting phenomenon, but I've noticed with myself and other bloggers, that as a blog continues past the one-year birthday, it becomes harder and harder to write. There seems to be blogs that are either super old with experienced bloggers plugging away at them, or there are blogs that are fairly new and have only been recently active. I feel that my issues have become complicated, and they are no longer about the things they used to be.

A blog that was once about my spanking exploration with two men while I went to college has now become a blog about a fairly seasoned spanko living with her boyfriend and working in the "real world" (gag!). It could very easily become a blog about kinky sex....and it could also just become a sort of diary where I complain about living with a dude, share recipes, talk about the dream I had last night, and generally bore my poor readers.

Thus, I think I'm going to need to either terminate it,
I could start telling you about my sexual exploits in more detail and my thoughts on those more erotic themes.

I wanted to keep this blog as something about purely spanking but maybe it's time for it to graduate and become about something more. Maybe. I'll think about it.


  1. I for one, would be very sad to see you go. I really enjoy your writing style. I think you would have to work very hard to bore me with the way you express yourself. Graduating is fine (I cannot wait to do that myself) but don't lose the spanking part of it.

  2. As someone who has lurked for a long time but never commented, I have to say I love your writing. You write so well & I would miss your blog so much if you stopped. So please continue...

  3. Jeeps--Yay! Somebody likes it. Okay, okay...thanks for the encouragement. I will try to keep the spanking part of it happy and healthy.
    Kate--Welcome and thanks for commenting. :) I will continue for sure. It really helps to know at least someone is reading and enjoying. I'll get back into the swing of things soon, k?

  4. Since you are going into a new phase of your life, your blog will reflect that. There are enough blogs about kinky sex, In my opinion, and relationship growth is more interesting. Well, to me. LOL.

    Keep writing.

  5. Hey Stormy,
    Thanks for commenting. :) I love your blog and the way you center on emotions and your relationship with your husband in it. I think you do have a very good point that relationship growth is much more interesting than sex. Totally true.
    Thanks for the encouragement.
