
The Bet--A continutation

Part One of "The Bet"

Part Two

"Close the door and I'll think about it."

He smiled. "You're funny, darling."

"Let's go see a movie. It's not even 10 yet. There's still some showing, I'm sure."

"Get out."

"I know what. We could--"

She ended the phrase in a shriek as he reached into the car, grabbed her arm, and pulled her onto the pavement. "Stand up, young lady, what will the neighbor's think?" He smiled.

She selfconsciously looked left then right. "Let me go right now, okay?"

He swatted her lightly, while holding onto her upper arm. She let out a tiny squeak of shock, and he lowered his head to her ear. "Shhh....someone might hear you. Now we wouldn't want the neighbor's knowing I tan your little ass whenever I think you need me to, now would we. ..?"

"Fine, fine, I'm coming. You're the one talking so loud anyway. Ow! You're hurting my arm---" And she jerked her elbow out into a three-sixty as she swiveled her wrist in a similar fashion, breaking his grasp.

The snow broke her fall somewhat, but it still dazed her as she fell to the ground, his hands around her knees. She felt a pressure on her back as the cold air hit her bottom.

"Hey! What are you doing? No, no, not here!" She twisted under his pinning knee as he pulled her jeans a bit farther down. "Stop it! Ahhhhh!!!" Her pleas turned into shrieks as a handful of snow met her wiggling rear end. "What are you doing? That's cold, damn it!"

"Preparing your bottom for the thrashing it's about to take. I didn't think of it until just now."

"I'm going to catch pneumonia or something. Let me up!"

"Nah...so you don't want to get spanked inside. We'll spank you outside." And his open palm came down hard across her bottom. Once, twice, three times.

"I'll go inside. I will. I will!! I promise I will. "

"Yes, well, we both know how you feel about promises lately."

 She stilled her squirming. "That's not fair."

"It's fair. You know it's fair. What you did was not fair. Do you have any evidence that supports this not being fair?"

There was a long silence.

She felt the weight on her back shift a little, then she heard a familiar sound. Woosh-wooosh-woosh---jingle.

(To be continued. I must go write a paper for class.)


  1. Hi Bonnie-jo. My inner brat's name is Elissa. I've never commented on someone's blog before. BUt this story is very compelling! No fair punishing the rest of us because 2 of your friends noticed (and complimented you) on Part One. That's just plain mean!! Please, please hurry with the paper for class!

    Two not so random thoughts. #1 - Just why is it that I never manage to make it out the door like that? I'm just not brave enough to try that hard, I guess. Or maybe brave isn't the word I'm really looking for - crazy, foolish, stupid -those might be good words if this story was being written about me - but it's not, so I like brave - a lot, and it works!

    #2 - I especially loved the tackle! That is one determined and smart man! But I would not want to be in her shoes!

  2. Elissa,

    I feel so special! I am your first. That is, your first blog on which you have commented. :) That makes me smile. You should comment on more blogs.
    I didn't finish the story because I love the beginning and middle so much, and I couldn't think of how to end it in a way to do it justice.
    However, I'm a bit of a procrastinator too...so I will finish it one day, just for you. I don't know when though.
    I'll try okay?
    P.S. That's probably some pretty sane thinking about not trying to run out doors...still, why not try it one day? Then you can totally blame it on me.... :)

  3. I missed your reply, but having you do another write more just because I said I liked it makes me feel special, too.

    One conversation and you're already trying to get me in trouble :-) Not sure how trying to leave the house would work in real life, though I might manage to get up the courage one day. I'll certainly keep your blame uppermost in mind should I ever succumb to that little bit of insanity :-)

  4. that's what I get for not proof reading - sorry about that first sentence.

    "having you write more" ignore the extra words, please

    and I forgot to sign my name,
